Words of the month

"When you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you" (- Mariah Carey-)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Pretty..!! You're such a sweetest memory..


Baby you’re no longer with me…
We’ve been separated by the time since I ask you to choose…
Maybe it’s hard for you,,And I trust you it’s So “fuckin” hard..
But I feel so glad knowing that you have decided to choose even the salty lil bitter decision for me …
I know it’s so hard for you to leave all the memories you’ve spent with him…
I really understand..
Baby If you happy, I feel happy for your happiness..
And If sometime or someday you change your mind…
I’m right here waiting for you… because I believe you're still the one for me...
I won't cry...so please don’t cry because we start the story with smile…
And don’t ever think life is unfair because HE is the “MAHA ADIL”, HE knows what’s better for you and for me…
I still believe in “KALAU JODOH GAK KEMANA”.. 
So just end the story with the sweetest smile in your lips.. :-)

Minggu, 26 September 2010


Wara-wiri.. tapi kali ini wara-wirinya bukan sama Adul ft Komeng..tapi bareng Bang Mamen Romance...
There are some beatiful places that I have ever visited and I really recommend you to go there.. Here are...
Pasti gak akan nyesel deh walaupun memang tempatnya agak jaauh.. dan cukup jauuuh...
Lovely White Sandy Beach, Turtle Captivation,Waterfalls and many more will entertain you and more amaze of God creature.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010


We are Fun,, We are free,,
We are ED Futsal... No Space between us.. No Fixed rules..
Just..Be polite and respect each other because we are BIG family...
Joint us for free.. And You'll get:
Healthy body.. Fresh Mind.. and Broad Knowledge..
Here we are :

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Go Here, Go there, Go Together...

Bandung Chaos
Sesuai ama nama'y.. The trip is really fuckin chaos...Cerita dimulai, jadi kita berangkat dua mobil..(semuanya anak Ed).. Pas nyampe tol mana gitu mobil 2 malah ngambil jalur yang ke arah Purwakarta.. Chaos.. nah akhirnya kita sampai-lah Bandung.. Pertama kita ke Kawah putih dulu,, Gokils ni tempat jauh bener deh.. yauda malemnya kita sampe di bandung kota makan Serabi di daerah setia budi+nongkrong.. Abis gitu cao ke sekitar gedung sate..nongkrong lagi...Agak maleman langsung deh kita ke Lembang..gilaaa..makanannya mahhhhhaaaaal bangeeet... Mending enak...Kita nginep di Kedai situ terus paginya ke tangkuban perahu...balik sore kita ke daerah cihampelas ketemu Bu ati..terus kita tempat barang2 second terus nyari brownieslah...buat oleh-oleh ke Jakarta... Abis gitu kita balik.. nah..ternyata kita bingung baliknya ke arah mana..hahahaha... chaos...Kejar-kejaran ma cewek... cerita hantu... and finally we are all arrived in Jakarta... well... quite Chaos.,..hehehehe...

Photo 1 dan 2 itu kita lagi Berpose di kawah putih dan Kawasan Gedung Sate, Bandung


Djogja Never Ending Asia

Yeaah.. Djogja provided me with a million of beautiful memory..Kita ktemu banyak tmen baru disana... Perjalanan dimulai dari Jakarta menuju Bandung ke tempat Nulhakim Juanda (Aqim), Salah satu sahabat gue yg kul d Bandung..Selain silaturahmi sama anak Djogja yang tergabung dalam IKDLY..tmen gue jg punya niat lain yaitu nemuin temen chat'y..Lely..Doi anak Prancis, UGM... Nyampe disana kita disambut Zaenal, (I'd like to say my deepest gratitude to him for treating us very well..) temen kita yang kuliah disana, sumpah baik banget ni si Zaenal... Sore'y kita langsung dibawa ke pantai Depok.. Poto ketiga itu kita sedang pose dipantai depok, kita semua baru saling kenal lho...
Jadi, Lely bawa temen-temennya Aning dan Nadya.. Zaenal juga bawa temen-temen IKDLY yg laen jadi rame deh...hehe
Nah poto yg lagi makan ini juga masih di pantai depok...
Hari pertama di Djogja pun berlalu dengan ceria,,,Hohoho...
eh ralat, hari pertama malem'y kita diajakin ke Sekatenan terus makan 'Oseng-oseng mercon" yang pedesnya gak ketulungan...Ampe bibir jonor plus susah tidur...tapi enak banget serius.. hehehe

Hari Kedua,,,
Hari Kedua di Djogja kita diajak keliling2 UGM..dah kaya apan tahu... hehe,,Tapi karena pas kebetulan hari minggu jadi ada pasar kaget gitu namanya "SUNMOR", mirip2 sama di Unpad. UI dll...(Sayang gak ada poto'y...).. Terus bis gitu kita cabut ke BOROBUDUR.. hehe..
Hari ketiga ...
Gue juga agak lupa hari ketiga tuh ngapain... O iya...Ke MALIOBORO..Belanja booo..Kuliner plus kaos gitu... haahha...kan gak lengkap kalau ke Djogja tapi gak ke tempat ini..Malemnya kita ke Alkid alias alun2 kidul..Sama Tugu,,,,Poto2 deh sepuasnya ngabisin batre Camdig... hehehhe

Ini poto2 waktu d Borobudur sama Tugu... Djogja Never Ending Asia...!!!

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

24th Years Old...

Today I turn to 24..
Celebrating my birthday party at Puncak with SARNET's friends..

Senin, 08 Maret 2010


Treat me well..and I'll treat you more
its my motto of life...
But do not ever try to take advantage of my kindness
because it was hurting me...
I always treat everyone like my brothers and sisters...
except some 'Blacklist people'...
I think I've treated you well,, and you seem good in treating me..
But actually it's just a fake... Big fake...
It's you two-faced friend who take a wolf in sheep's clothing
I was disappointed..
But I wouldn't cry
Not even to take a grimace...

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Just For Fun,,,,

This is a picture of me...
picture of life...
The colorful life...
life that makes us thankfull of..
what Allah has been giving to us...

Tanjung lesung, Labuan

and here is Ujung genteng...
Lovely beach.. white shandy beach...
Nice place for surfing...
'There is a love beach in Ujung Genteng', said Aby

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Kyu's Birthday Party

Today we are celebrating our close friend's birthday party...
She is a very multitalented drummer of summerlilly and Nonaz band...
She is cute, energetic and friendly... she is Kiki Laras kartika...
People usually called her Kiky or Kyu....

Ini dia tersangkanya....
"Happy Birthday Kyu... We wish you all the best"

Mr. yogo congratulates her..

Rizkoholic and Wongky Tongky pose together with tersangka...

This is a very unique photo...*maksa padahal bluuur....

Cowok - cowok Gantengs sekali... :D

Photo-photo dulu sebelum pulang setelah puas merusuh di Taman Kuliner (TamKul)..