Words of the month

"When you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you" (- Mariah Carey-)

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

"Thousands Islands"


It's such a nice holiday, jadi tanggal 24-26 des 2010 kemaren ED Futsal mengadakan "ED FC Summer Training". Sebener'y bukan training siiih.. maen-maen ajah ke tempat salah satu senior Jurusan Bahasa Inggris nama'y Bang adi Pulo Manan yang rumahnya ada di Pulau Panggang, salah satu pulau yang ada di Kep. Seribu. Kita kumpul di jurusan jam 21.00 Pm terus ada yang main poker, ada yang tiduur, pokok'y nunggu ampe jam 3 baru kita berangkat naek P 64, dilanjutkan dengan angkot yang menuju Muara Angke. we arrived at Muara Angke port on 'Subuh' so we decided to pray there, dan diteruskan dengan lenjeh-lenjeh menunggu ojek kapal diberangkatkan pukul 07.30 - 08.00 WIB. we arrived at Panggang Island arround 10.30/11.00, it means we spent about two and half untill three hours to get to there. You know what? Along two until three hours we really served by an amazing views of 'The Thousands Islands'. I know people called some of them by Untung Jawa, Bidadari, Tidung, onrust, Cipir and so on. The central governmental of Thousand Island Resident is at Pramuka Island, about five minutes from Panggang island, the place of my senior 'Bang Adi'.

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